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Our Work, Our Aims

  • Be responsive and meet the needs of our community

  • Regenerating the area economically, environmentally and socially

  • Provide a friendly, trusted and safe space

  • Provide a long and sustainable service

  • Raise aspirations and offer our community opportunities to develop

We're your local
Help at the Hub (HatH)

Support is available from your nearest Help at the Hub on a range of issues including: 

  • money

  • energy

  • housing

  • jobs and skills

Friendly staff at the hubs can look at your situation and work with you to find solutions. They'll support and guide you in taking steps to improve things.


Find your local hub

Advice and support is available at all the hubs during their opening hours. Phone or drop in during the hours listed below.
Organisations including Wakefield Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and Step Up  also offer

drop-in sessions at the hubs. 


Help at the Hub - Wakefield Council

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Building Healthy and
Sustainable Communities

in Partnership with Red Roof Centre and Havercroft and Ryhill Community Learning Centre
covering Kinsley, Fitzwilliam, Havercroft and Ryhill

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The Healthy and Sustainable Communities program is actively engaging with residents through face-to-face conversations and workshops. Run by Wakefield Council and partners in the health, voluntary, and community sectors, this initiative seeks to identify what’s working well and address any gaps in community health and well-being. Furthermore, the Council and NHS are funding a program specifically focused on the ten most deprived communities in the district. 


More information coming soon.....


Is there a website i can access opportunities across the district?

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